When young Adrian Howell discovers he possesses powerful telekinetic abilities, he is plunged into a sinister world of warring paranormal factions and terrifying government organizations. Adrian must discover what really happened to his missing sister. But to do this, he will first have to find his place among fugitives like himself, and protect the life of a deeply scarred child who can speak only through her mind... a child who will change Adrian's life forever.
Wild-born is the first book of Adrian Howell's Psionic Pentalogy: a supernatural adventure series with psychic children, teens and adults, telekinesis, telepathy, and many twists and turns in a harsh urban fantasy world.
The remainder of the Psionic Pentology are also available:
- The Tower, book 2
- Lesser Gods, book 3
- The Quest, book 4
- Guardian Angel, book 5
The title link above is for Amazon, but Wild-born and the others in the Pentology are also available at Barnes and Noble for the Nook, at Kobo or the Apple iBookstore.
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